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Services Utility: MSSearch Gatherer Service

Display Name (?): MSSearch Gatherer
Short Name (?): swprv
Executable (?): svchost.exe -k swprv
Library (?): swprv.dll
Depends On (?): None.
Supports (?): None.
Description (?): Provides full-text indexing for Windows Storage
OS (?): Vista Home/Business, Vista Server
Startup (?):

Please visit /tools/services/ for the complete Services utility.

"A people's dream died there. It was a beautiful dream. And I, to whom so great a vision was given in my youth, you see me now a pitiful old man who has done nothing, for the nations hoop is broken and scattered. There is no center any longer, and the sacred tree is dead." --Nicholas Black Elk of the Oglala Sioux

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